Are You Magnetic? Understanding the Healing Power of Magnetic Jewelry

by Michael on July 22, 2010

Many of you have undoubtedly heard about the healing power of magnetic bracelets – or you may have noticed athletes sporting them and wondered what exactly was the secret behind this supposed healing jewelry. These beautifully constructed bracelets and necklaces are not only flattering; they are also healing in ways we are just beginning to understand.

The healing power of magnetic jewelry is hardly a new idea though it has only recently resurfaced. Magnetic therapy actually dates back more than 4000 years, but only in the past decade have scientists begun to embrace the idea that we are magnetic beings and our bodies respond to the power of magnets.

Here are just a few of the amazing things that wearing magnetic jewelry can do for you – remember, none of our products are being sold as a medical device or in place of professionally prescribed medical treatment. As with all healing modalities, make sure you consult with your doctor before use. Also, you should not use magnets if you have an internal heart pacemaker, defibrillator or internal insulin pump. Make sure you talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing before using magnetic jewelry.

Therapeutic magnetic jewelry increases blood circulation and this means all sorts of wonderful things for your body. Increased circulation (and the majority of Americans have very slow blood circulation) allows the body to flush out built up toxins. Note: the number one cause of strokes is toxin build up in the carotid arteries and the number one cause of heart disease is toxin build up in the aortic arteries. Furthermore, increased circulation also oxygenates the blood driving out viruses, bacteria and erratic cell replication.

That’s definitely not all. Research studies have shown that healing magnetic jewelry also causes an increased flow of endorphins – those all important healers that heal cuts, burns, fractures, fight disease and lessen aches and pains all around. Some of the most painful problems like carpal-tunnel, tendonitis, tennis elbow and other sports-related injuries are significantly lessened through the use of magnetic jewelry.

Magnetic jewelry is not just for those with physical complaints; magnetic bracelets have also been shown to have a positive effect on stress relief, depression and sleep problems. Wearers of healing magnetic jewelry report more energy, improved memory as well has higher levels of brain function and comprehension.

As modern science begins to see the results of study after study revealing the powerful healing effects of magnetic therapy, they are looking into more fields that may benefit from the use of magnetic jewelry. Research is being done on the use of healing magnetic jewelry with patients suffering from arthritis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, incontinence, migraines, Parkinson’s Disease and even some types of cancer. And this is only the beginning! In our over-medicated society, these small, beautiful pieces of jewelry are bringing about powerful results and many are returning to this natural healing alternative with fantastic results.

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