Try it: Yoga Retreats

by Nisha on May 11, 2009

“When the going gets tough, the tough get centered, preferably in paradise,” begins a new Reuters article today on the benefits and wonders of yoga retreats. 

Many people practice yoga on a daily or weekly basis, take classes at local yoga centers, or incorporate yoga into their usual workout routines. But there’s something particularly special about yoga retreats and the calming, positive, environment and atmosphere they can provide to people who are stressed, tired, frazzled, or just need a break from the daily monotony. 

One retreat director said: ”At our retreat center we teach the art and science of yoga to help people find health and balance. It’s a learning vacation in an environment that supports it.”  An excellent point. In today’s culture of hyperconnectedness, workaholism is seen as desirable and admirable, but few people realize that overworking oneself can take a toll on your happiness AND your health. And yoga retreats, which are usually at a location removed from the bustling atmosphere of urban life, allow you to really get away from it all, forget about your growing to-do list and responsibilities, and focus on the big picture and things that matter: recharging your batteries, staying healthy, and staying happy. 

Retreats often have strict rules in place to enforce self-discipline: no alcohol, no television, and diets that focus on vegetarian, healthy, organic, or plant-based foods. Some retreats even offer courses on stress management, health challenges, insomnia, and weight loss, among other things. There are a variety of yoga retreats available in various locations around the country.

How do you choose one, then? Make sure to do some research and find a yoga retreat that is legitimate, and is also the right one for you. A good place to start might be this list of the Top 10 Yoga Retreats worldwide.

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