Is organic really better for you?

by Nisha on May 21, 2009

We’ve all been there. It might be that you go to Whole Foods instead of the regular supermarket. And you pride yourself on selectively choosing the freshest, rawest, and most organic produce you can find, because you know it’s the healthiest option for you. Right?

But there is an ongoing debate about whether organic really is better for you or not. One blogger even goes so far as to say that if you’ve been led to believe organic is better than conventional, you’ve practically been robbed

We are all led to believe that by choosing organic foods, we’re helping the environment, we’re avoiding gross pesticides, we’re putting healthier, more natural products in our bodies, we’re helping animals, that we’re supporting small farmers, etc. 

But what if all of that might be wrong? Does it really make a difference at all? What if in some cases organic is worse?

Check out this article for some food for thought — it might make you re-evaluate whether organic is the best choice for you or not.

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