Tips for Going Organic on a Budget

by Nisha on May 28, 2009

In a previous post I talked about the craze over “organic” foods and whether or not they are really better for you than so-called “normal” foods. There’s definitely some interesting food for thought there. 

But for many people, organic still remains a good choice for a healthy lifestyle — organic foods are a $22 billion a year industry. However, organic also generally means pricey. Everything is more expensive when it comes with that “organic” label. In today’s economy, we’re all on a tight budget, so what to do if your budget doesn’t allow for expensive organic foods? Here are a few tips I found recently on how to buy organic on a budget, that I think are worth sharing: 


–Buy locally 
Local growers will have items that are in season and will have them priced to sell. Also ask about discounts and bargains, or if there are “seconds” (misshaped foods that are fine otherwise) for sale.

The added benefit of buying locally is that you can usually speak with someone who works the farm. You can ask questions about the food and even get tips on preparing the food. Buying locally also helps sustain the local economy.

–Buy items seasonally 
Fruits and vegetables that are in season will be more abundant on store shelves and will usually cost less and, as an added bonus, taste great. Whether you buy in-season items from a local grower or your supermarket, the items are always cheaper than items not in-season (ie, items that have been shipped great distances to get to the market).

Be flexible with your shopping and purchase items that are on sale: if apples are on sale, buy them instead of other fruits.

And my favorite tip? If buying organic is too expensive: grow your own!

To read the full article and find more tips on going organic on a budget, check out the full article here.

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