Tips for Going Organic on a Budget

May 28, 2009

In a previous post I talked about the craze over “organic” foods and whether or not they are really better for you than so-called “normal” foods. There’s definitely some interesting food for thought there. 
But for many people, organic still remains a good choice for a healthy lifestyle — organic foods are a $22 billion a [...]

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Is organic really better for you?

May 21, 2009

We’ve all been there. It might be that you go to Whole Foods instead of the regular supermarket. And you pride yourself on selectively choosing the freshest, rawest, and most organic produce you can find, because you know it’s the healthiest option for you. Right?
But there is an ongoing debate about whether organic really is [...]

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Is it possible to live 150 years?

May 18, 2009

This month, Martin Ettington released his new book, Immortality: A History and How to Guide—Or How to live 150 years and beyond. Which begs the question: is that even really possible? No one has ever lived to 150 before, so what’s his big secret?
Ettington’s book describes three components to a long, satisfying, healthy life: the [...]

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If it’s Thursday, it’s Veggie Day

May 13, 2009

We know many people choose to be vegetarians to stay healthy. Many people also do not.
But what would you do if one day your mayor declared it Veggie Day in the entire town?
The town of Ghent, Belgium, just outside of Brussels, has done just that. They have declared every Thursday “Vegetarian Day” and will offer [...]

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Try it: Yoga Retreats

May 11, 2009

“When the going gets tough, the tough get centered, preferably in paradise,” begins a new Reuters article today on the benefits and wonders of yoga retreats. 
Many people practice yoga on a daily or weekly basis, take classes at local yoga centers, or incorporate yoga into their usual workout routines. But there’s something particularly special about [...]

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President Obama Supports Alternative Medicine

May 4, 2009

A little bit of alternative health in the news for you this morning!
Last week, in a town hall meeting in Missouri on the 100th day of his administration, President Obama talked about healthcare issues for Americans. And then he said something very interesting about alternative medicine. A citizen at the meeting asked the President: “How [...]

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Could alternative health be the answer to swine flu?

April 29, 2009

Unless you’ve been living under a rock this week, you can’t escape hearing the words “swine flu.” Everybody’s talking about it. Sometimes, there’s a whole lot more fiction going around than fact, and it can be hard to separate the two. Headlines are getting pretty sensationalistic, talking about global epidemics and pandemics and whether or [...]

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